



Sunday, November 20, 2011


As you can see the puppies had visitors again this weekend. Saturday afternoon saw a group of six kids in to cuddle the crew. My friend Don Zwicker from Grande Prairie was also here overnight, with Nemo, Parker's brother from the first Dalry litter. Don took loads of photos, so hopefully I'll have some to post soon. This afternoon Cassie & Sheldon Young spent a few hours, along with my friend Linda and her daughter Megan. Cassie was here last Friday and really noticed the differences this week. The puppies are very, very busy now, and they can run, rather than stagger around like a bunch of drunks. They are all starting to play a mean game of tug, and they're packing toys around in their mouths. They've spent lots of time playing with Morley who is very gentle with them. Nina is spending very little time with them now, she comes in to feed them 3-4 times a day and never for more than 5 minutes. She's spending her time with the rest of the dogs now, and I'm feeding her regular rations and will just let her dry up now. I'll post some more pictures to Webshots later tonight.

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