



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More Adventures

Monday night I took the puppies outside in my arms to see and hear the big, diesel tractor running. I invited them to sniff the tires and the bucket. They were a little apprehensive, but nobody tried to jump out of my arms. Yesterday I took them outside when I got home from work, as we had a nice warm afternoon. For those that don't know/realize, I'm now using up the balance of my vacation to work shorter days, so I have more time at home with the puppies. I'm going in at 10, and home at 3:30, which gives me some daylight and extra time.
Outside, was fun, they were a little quiet to start with, then they became more brave and we did a fair amount of walking around. I'm hoping that Saturday afternoon will be warm enough to take them down to the wooded area on the north side of the pasture. Lots of logs to jump over and stuff to run through.
They all play a mean game of tug (great for those of you looking at doing dog sports!) and they're doing quite well with the whole potty box thing. They'll all take treats from my hand, which lets me reward them for using the potty box. They're very wild and fun!

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