



Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last Entry

That was a really fun day yesterday, everyone. Loved spending that much time with all of you. Please keep in touch, send lots of pictures and not question is a stupid one. I'm here for all of you.

This is a link to one of the videos I took yesterday when we had the puppies playing in the pool. It's pretty funny stuff:

Friday, December 2, 2011

Countdown Week

Just when I think the puppies are looking big, I find one of them hanging with Bailey, the Maine Coon!
We're into the final countdown now! Puppies are sporting their new tattoos, they've been to Kay's for their testing and I'm looking forward to vegging around the house in the mornings instead of cleaning the potty box and having my ankles bitten!
As a group they were insane tonight. Darryl ended up playing with the three boys tonight in the office. Not sure exactly what was happening, but Blue was racing laps around the room and all of them were wrestling on an air mattress. In the meantime, the girls were busy playing with the little jingly cat balls in the purple saucer. I've uploaded some video of a couple of them doing the balls in the saucer last week. It's Yellow, Green and I think Black. Green was having the time of her life tonight playing in the saucer.